I heard a talk recently that about the power of NEUTRAL thinking that I thought was a really smart spin on this. Being neutral is easier and it's also not negative, and it's more important to be not negative than fake-positive, especially if it involves deluding yourself.

I found this useful for those situations that are harder to spin as super positive. There's always a way to think about them that doesn't involve beating yourself up or is just pragmatic.

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Feb 8Liked by Craig Benzine

I was literally just thinking of this after watching a short video from Casey Neistat about decades long consistency!... I was consistently falling into the trap of negative drifting, and have to course correct deliberately!!

plus... being optimistic is a much better experience for those around you too. 😁

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Really enjoyed this Tuesbetter.

Lots of great food for thought here. Always enjoy the Philosophy of Wheezy. I took that class in college and it was very insightful.

1. Optimism: Yes, it is healthier and happier to adopt this if you can (it's not always easy).

2. Love: Doing your projects with love (or anything in life) is what gives it Quality. Please read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance if you haven't. It delves into what is "Quality" in much like a way you would cover in a Philosophy of Wheezy course. I think you'd like it.

3. Value: We find value in the videos you make because of your attitude, wit, humor, reflection and obvious love for humanity. Those who know you will attest that we would watch you reading from the back of a cereal box; not because of what you are saying but because of how you say it and how you bring us a meaning that we can all learn from. So please don't feel pressured on our behalf to keep making high quality deeply researched feature length videos. It's okay to mix it up and do some short spontaneous videos perhaps like in the style of Classic Wheezy.

Take Care Craig!

Keep on Wheezin' (as in "wheezy-waitering," not actual wheezing which requires an inhaler).

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Tru! Anyway you’ve got me thinking about optimistic I used to be about changing for the better which us a good thing. I can get there again and you have helped!

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If you're looking for an enjoyable comic series that doesn't require a lot of background knowledge, might I recommend "Y: The Last Man"

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Welcome back Cragt

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Im glad you are feeling better! Cant wait for the upcoming content

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