So true. Otherwise, you wouldn’t practice piano to get better at it.

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If you “ Modify, tweak, experiment.” then you did NOT get a different result from doing the same thing over and over again. I detest the quote as well but your final argument makes no sense.

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I just scrolled down and saw ur post. I said the same thing. He actually proved the saying to be relevant. But he got one thing right, Einstein was not the original source of the quote.

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"Most quotes on the internet are misattributed." - Bill Gates, 2007

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Well...if u "tweak" it or "modify" it then, YOU ARE changing it!! So your point is irrelevant & only proves the saying to be TRUE.

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The first time I heard this "quote" was in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the 90s. It never sat right with me but I get their point. But, it's annoying that it caught on by a lot of people and not the actual definition.

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I love this post because, like me, you over-analyze common axioms and idioms then realize that they maybe weren't so "axiomatic" but rather "idiotic" the more you think about it. Take Care Craig & China!

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Loving these newsletters!

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Hear, hear!!

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Makes me think about a great book "The Lost Choice" by Andy Andrews. He talks about trying over and over, using Edison's quote about learning "2,000 ways not to make a lightbulb" in order to find one way that worked.

It's a cool book and a super fast read. Highly recommend.

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Nailed it!

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Freaking awesome, Craig Benzine. That’s what you are. Thanks for this, this morning ❤️

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I was thinking about this just a few days ago! There's bound to be some randomness at every instance, so it wouldn't be exactly the same every time.

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